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![]() Stand my ground, I won't give in. No more denying; I got to face it. Won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside. If I don't make it, someone else will stand my ground Chapters Tuesday, November 29, 2005f i v e Time passed as it was wont to do, and so far as Katsuya was concerned life seemed to be taking a turn for the better. She was still seeing Yuki-san twice a week and making progress on her trauma, as well as finally letting her friends know that she had always been female. Honda was relieved that he didn't have to cover for her in public anymore; Anzu was mildly annoyed that the blonde had kept it secret for so long before deciding that they needed to 'update' Katsuya's wardrobe (thankfully Bakura had nipped that in the bud by going with and thoroughly embarrassing the brunette in public); Atem took it as an invitation to look at her chest at every given opportunity; and Yuugi treated her as he always had. If anything, his main worry was that Katsuya would suddenly become stingy with her porn collection. Kaiba had found out about her therapy sometime after her third session, because on the fourth day he was waiting outside Yuki-san's office as she was leaving. The only thing he asked was, "Are you seeing Yuki-san because of that?" On the affirmative answer, he'd merely nodded and offered an open invitation to talk anytime she needed someone who could understand. Katsuya shook her head to clear her thoughts. It had been about two months now that they'd been back from Egypt, and while her English grades were improving she was still a little rusty at history. Seeing that there were still five minutes left before classes would start for the day, she leaned across the aisle and poked Kaiba with her pencil. "Oi, Kaiba!" she hissed. "You better have finished your half of the assignment or else." Blue eyes turned a half-amused gaze to her. "Or else?" She grinned. "Or else I'm inviting myself over to your house and claiming the kitchen as my personal domain." "Jyonouchi-kun, I don't think that's much of a threat," Ryou told her. In all honesty he was surprised and pleased at the friendship that had developed between the pair. He sometimes wondered about the intensity of it, but figured that Katsuya would have told his yami if there was anything more to it than met the eye. "Bakura-kun's right," Yuugi agreed, nodding his head. "I'd be tempted not to do my homework if you were threatening to come over and cook. Atemu-kun, eyes up," he added on the end with a hard look at his own yami. Katsuya glanced over her shoulder just in time to catch Atem guiltily turning his gaze towards the wall. "Well, I suppose that's true," the blonde relented after a moment, pulling her book out and setting it on her desk. "But maybe it can be incentive to study?" "Only if you want food poisoning," Honda interjected, barely dodging the punch Katsuya threw his way. If she'd been trying he would have had a nice-size bruise on his arm; as it was the girl was more focused on getting the last little bit of her assignment done before the teacher arrived. "Come on, Jyonouchi, you know I'm just messing with you." "And you wonder why my dad doesn't like you?" she replied with a roll of her eyes. "Anyway, Dad's got the late shift today so I'm by myself for dinner. I can have a few people over, but only if it's a small group. He doesn't want any 'wild parties' while he's out." "Teacher's coming," Anzu called over her shoulder, scribbling down a quick answer to finish her homework before pushing it aside. Katsuya groaned in frustration and polished off the question she was working on before standing with the rest of the class. She'd finished most of the questions, but had needed to skip over several in order to get the essay portion out of the way. With another couple of minutes she might have completed the assignment; as it was, she had three questions left unanswered. As one the class bowed to the teacher as she entered before returning to their seats. Most of the students took out their books then looked up to see their teacher frowning slightly at a note she'd been handed prior to entering the room. She glanced up to see all eyes on her and flashed a slight smile. "There is a new student joining your class today," she said, something in her tone stating that she wasn't entirely pleased; Katsuya sighed to herself as this probably meant that the new student was either someone bumped up from another section or gaijin. When the door opened again she glanced over with the rest of her classmates... then froze. She could feel her heartbeat quicken; she had to force herself to breathe calmly even though all she really wanted to do was jump up and run the other way. Her hands curled into fists on her lap, fingernails scraping across her slacks, and she felt lightheaded. Her entire focus was on the teenager who'd just walked into the room and how much she wanted to get away before he saw her. The next thing she was fully aware of was Ryou trying to get her attention: "Jyonouchi-kun, come on. I'll walk with you." She glanced over, finally able to drag her eyes from him, and gave a tiny nod. She wondered absently what her friend had told the teacher to get her out of class, but she was grateful for the reprieve. Katsuya stowed her books in her desk and stood, proud that her legs weren't shaking too badly. She kept her eyes firmly locked on the door, only turning slightly to mumble a quiet 'thank you' to Ryou. Once they were in the hall she relaxed only slightly, heartbeat still racing. "Jyonouchi-kun?" Ryou asked, moving as if to rest one hand on her arm before thinking better of it. He'd seen Bakura like this once, and not terribly long ago, so he knew it was best to be quiet and non-threatening. For the life of him, though, he couldn't figure out what set the girl into this panic attack. He wondered if Kaiba knew; the brunet had looked just as concerned when Ryou came up with the illness excuse to get Katsuya out of the classroom. Katsuya turned her gaze to him, eyes unfocused and frightened. She looked absolutely terrified, and Ryou knew that there was no way a few class periods away from the others would diffuse this attack. He sighed softly before heading to the nurse's office, staying a few paces ahead of the girl to give her a relative feeling of safety. He could her hear breathing even out slowly as they reached the office. Ryou knocked lightly on the door to get the school nurse's attention. "Yoshida-san, Jyonouchi-kun's ill, and I know her father isn't home. Do you think it'd be okay for me to take her to my apartment since my cousin is there?" he said. That was the cover story Bakura had come up with to explain them sharing a surname; she still refused to tell him what her given name was, saying that she'd tell him when she "felt like it." Knowing his yami, that could be years. The nurse frowned. "Bakura-kun, I appreciate your concern for your friend, but school policy dictates that no student leave the grounds while classes are in session," she said. "I don't think--" "If you say no, ma'am," Ryou stated in a tone of voice that Katsuya vaguely recognized as Bakura trying not to give into the urge to summon Man-eater Bug and be done with the whole mess, "then with all due respect I'll just call my cousin, then she'll call to 'discuss' this with the principal. After which we may need a new school nurse, and Jyonouchi-kun will still go over to my apartment anyway. But if you really want to go through all that hassle...." "I don't think that it'll be a problem in this case," the nurse said to finish her earlier thought. The school had already had to deal with Bakura once since she'd returned, and apparently no one wanted to draw her attention again. "I'll notify the principal to let him know that you'll be taking Jyonouchi-kun to your apartment." "Thank you," Ryou said with a faint smile. "I'll be back as soon as I can." "Take your time." Katsuya bit back a small laugh as they left the school much to Ryou's relief; he still didn't think that she should be at school until he could figure out what had set off her panic attack but he wasn't sure if she should be alone with Bakura either. He would decide what to do once he was sure his friend was safely at the apartment. ((Note: Sorry this took so long to get out; I thought there was more trying to come but it decided to stop here. I'll try to get chapter six out quicker than this one made it ^^;)) Updated 10:40 AM |
Info Stand My Ground is a story set in Eternal SailorM's Jillian universe; for better clarity it's advised to read both works in conjunction. Yuugiou and all characters appearing herein are © Takahashi Kazuki.Affiliates § Angelic Destructions§ DarkMagick.net § Pixiesticks.org Personal § The Asylum§ Katsuko's Obsession § Draconic Wishes § KatsukoFic § Envy x Edo § Feminine Wishes Previous § f o u r§ t h r e e § t w o § o n e Archive § October 2005§ November 2005 § December 2005 § February 2006 § May 2010 Additional Layout © KatsukoArtwork © Karen Asakura for Teikokudo Powered by Blogger
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