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![]() Stand my ground, I won't give in. No more denying; I got to face it. Won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside. If I don't make it, someone else will stand my ground Chapters Wednesday, December 07, 2005s e v e n It was all he could do not to follow when the two had left the classroom that morning. He wasn't blind, and he wasn't stupid; he had seen her freeze, seen the fear and helplessness in her eyes, and hated himself all the more for it. He was actually glad when Ryou said the girl was ill and led her from the room. If they were still on the school grounds he would be surprised. He wasn't blind to the glares that Kaiba Seto kept turning on him; hell, he welcomed them. It was almost comforting to know someone hated him almost as much as he did. Still, he acted as if he did not notice, instead making nice with the others that he knew in the room. He could not call them his friends, even if that was how they thought of themselves. Someone like him did not deserve friendship, especially not that of those a part of him had once tried to harm, to hurt, to kill. It was a mixed blessing when Kaiba left; the glares ceased but that left him all the more aware that he did not belong, that the happiness in his face and voice were faked to keep people from knowing the truth. Malik Ishtar hated himself. He wondered if he'd ever been real at all. "...if Bakura-kun is still with Jyonouchi-kun?" The words finally dragged him out of his thoughts, and Malik glanced up to find that the conversation had once again moved on without him. Not that it really mattered to him; he was on the outside, where he belonged. "Probably," Atem replied to Yuugi's question, picking at his food. "Otherwise he would have been back in class hours ago. Actually, I think I might leave and--" "No way, Atemu-kun," came the swift interruption. "Bakura-san would eat you alive if you just show up like we did just after you came back. She doesn't need any excuse to do so either." "What about Kaiba?" Malik found himself asking. "He left before midday. Does that happen often?" In all honesty, he wanted to know that the people who might be best at keeping him away were surrounding the person who needed the most protection from him.... Anzu shrugged before answering: "He leaves class a lot because of Kaiba Corp. I didn't think that he'd leave today, since there's a test this afternoon; he usually stays until he finished his exams then heads out for the day. I guess an emergency must have come up." The others quickly agreed, and Malik found himself outside the conversation once more as talk turned to the aforementioned exam. It was okay, though, because he had other things on his mind. An emergency did come up, he thought as he sank back into himself again. I'm back in town. The day didn't pass nearly fast enough for Malik. From midday on, all he wanted to do was leave and go... just go. He neither knew nor cared where he wanted to go, he just wanted to be away. Away from the people who claimed him as a friend yet knew nothing about him. Away from the pharaoh, whom he really couldn't blame for the situation he found himself in now. Away from anything and everything that might make him think about her, the one who needed to be protected from him, just in case.... Just in case what? In case the darkness returned, in case he lost control of his life again, in case he was infected by the thing that had possessed him for so long? Yes. No. He didn't know. He just needed to be away. Malik politely declined Yuugi's invitation to join the group at Burger World after school, opting instead to start walking home alone. Only when he was out of sight of the group did he let his shoulders slump and his head drop forward slightly. What was Isis thinking, he wondered silently, coming back to Domino? The museum job was just an excuse, I know it. Why does she want me to be here? I should have just stayed back home, said that I'd stay behind with Rishid even if we don't have to guard the tomb anymore. A hand on his arm drew him abruptly back to the present, and he bit back a gasp as he whirled around to see who stopped him. Bakura Ryou's eyes were hard. "We need to talk." ((Note: after the way last chapter ended, I needed to show what's going on from the other perspective. Chapter eight will pick up where six left off, somewhat, and lead into the ending of this chapter. Hopefully by chapter nine I'll be alternating between Katsuya and Malik regularly.)) Updated 2:20 PM |
Info Stand My Ground is a story set in Eternal SailorM's Jillian universe; for better clarity it's advised to read both works in conjunction. Yuugiou and all characters appearing herein are © Takahashi Kazuki.Affiliates § Angelic Destructions§ DarkMagick.net § Pixiesticks.org Personal § The Asylum§ Katsuko's Obsession § Draconic Wishes § KatsukoFic § Envy x Edo § Feminine Wishes Previous § s i x§ f i v e § f o u r § t h r e e § t w o § o n e Archive § October 2005§ November 2005 § December 2005 § February 2006 § May 2010 Additional Layout © KatsukoArtwork © Karen Asakura for Teikokudo Powered by Blogger
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