Welcome to Feminine Wishes, the home for what is likely the only
yuri wishshipping fic located on the web.
Yes, I love Yuugiou.
Yes, I'm predominantly a yaoi author.
Yes, I genderflipped two of my favourite boys.
And yes, I am writing a yuri fic including girl-on-girl sex.
Don't like it, feel free to leave ^_^
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Section One: Yuugi
In all honesty, Mutou Yuugi would have started 'experimenting' much earlier... if Mazaki Anzu hadn't been straight. The brunette was, unfortunately, what Yuugi referred to as a Breeder, meaning that she would have to set her sights on girls (hopefully) more inclined to similar urges. The petite duelist soon set her sights on other potential partners; Jyonouchi Katsuya was at the top of the list.
Yuugi had known from the first day she saw the tomboyish blonde - who excelled at bending the school rules to the point that she'd pulled an Utena by wearing a modified boys uniform - that she wanted Jyonouchi-chan in her bed. In the beginning, she was still too shy to make a move, and Jyonouchi-chan was a first-class bully. But after she'd completed the Sennen Puzzle and the blonde tentatively offered her friendship, Yuugi became more confident. It was still strange to think that mou hitori no Yuugi was male, but in the long run, it wasn't important. And it made her giggle to herself that both her name and Jyonouchi-chan's were part of the word for friendship, yuujou.
But it was so hard to concentrate on school with Jyonouchi-chan at the desk beside hers! The blonde made a school uniform look so damn good; her boy-style jacket was tailored to hug her curves whether it was buttoned or not (and it was most often not), her white baby doll tee left little to the imagination though if one looked they could see the outline of her bra, and her shorts were just long enough to match the skirt length required of the actual girls uniforms. Hell, even the calf-high socks were a turn-on to the petite duelist, hugging legs toned from the paper route the older girl worked each morning. Add to this the wash-and-go tussled hair and it was all Yuugi could do not to jump her best friend on a daily basis.
Yes, she definitely wanted to fuck Jyonouchi-chan. The only problems were how to bring it up and whether or not Jyonouchi-chan was bent that way.
Katsuko last updated
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