Welcome to Feminine Wishes, the home for what is likely the only
yuri wishshipping fic located on the web.
Yes, I love Yuugiou.
Yes, I'm predominantly a yaoi author.
Yes, I genderflipped two of my favourite boys.
And yes, I am writing a yuri fic including girl-on-girl sex.
Don't like it, feel free to leave ^_^
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Section Three: After School
The bell finally rang, signalling that the day was over. Everyone gathered up their books and rushed out; tomorrow was Saturday, so a lot of people were making plans for the afternoon and all day Sunday. Yuugi had expected Jyonouchi to be one of the first people out of the room and was surprised to see the blonde slowly putting her things away. Worried and suddenly feeling protective, she placed her hand on the older girl's shoulder.
"Jyonouchi-chan? Are you okay?" Brown eyes turned to regard Yuugi, and she caught her breath at the conflicting emotions she saw there: frustration, affection and confusion were warring for dominance.
"Mostly, yeah," Jyonouchi answered with a small smile. "Um... Yuugi? Do you think I can spend the night at your place?" She quickly added, "Dad's on the late shift and he doesn't like me to be alone in the apartment at night."
Yuugi nodded. "Of course, Jyonouchi-chan. Do you want to go get some of your things now?" Outwardly she was calm, but inside she was as nervous and giddy as she always was when Jyonouchi stayed over at the Mutou residence. It was always so difficult to fight her urges, but she didn't want to ruin their friendship.
"Yeah. But just us, okay?" Jyonouchi agreed. "Honda and Dad don't get along, Anzu won't go without Honda, and Bakura already left." Actually, she'd seen Bakura Ryou stalk purposely after Kaiba Seto, and she didn't really care to know anything beyond that. The white-haired girl and her crazy-ass, perpetually PMS-y yami were damned scary when they were on a mission. Maybe if Yami no Bakura managed to get Kaiba in her bed she would calm down, but until then, Jyonouchi was going to stay the fuck out of her way.
"And we all know how much you like Otogi-kun," the shorter girl agreed; honestly, if she'd had her way Otogi would be a eunuch right now. Unfortunately, mou hitori no Yuugi had thought that was too harsh, and settled on humiliating the boy instead. "Okay! Let's go, Jyonouchi-chan. Jiichan and Mama won't mind you staying over."
Decision made, the two girls quickly caught up to their friends to let them know what was going on. Honda wasn't too please that they hadn't invited him along until he realized that Jyonouchi's father would be there; at that point he wished them luck and hurried off, Anzu following him in spite of her confusion. Yuugi and Jyonouchi caught a bus, and within half an hour were stepping through the door to the older girl's apartment.
"I'm home!" Jyonouchi called, kicking off her sneakers while Yuugi paused to unzip her boots. "You still here, Dad?"
"In the kitchen," the man called in reply, stepping into the doorway to answer his daughter. "Oh, hello, Yuugi-chan. I didn't know you were here too."
"Hello, Jyonouchi-san," Yuugi greeted politely. "Jyonouchi-chan said you have to work tonight."
The man nodded. "Will you be spending the night? I hate leaving Katsuya here by herself." It wasn't an unfounded fear; the Jyonouchis didn't live in the best neighbourhood, and the teenager still had enemies from her gang days who'd jump at the chance to catch her alone.
Yuugi shook her head. "Actually, if it's alright, Jyonouchi-chan can spend the night at my place," she said, knowing that if it sounded like she'd invited her friend over then her father was more likely to agree. "Mama and Jiichan will make sure we're on time for school tomorrow, too."
Jyonouchi's father smiled, relief evident in his expression. "That's fine. And if you want to stay over the whole weekend, Katsuya, that's alright, too," he said. "I have to cover Morimoto's shift Saturday and Sunday as well as my own, so I'll be out all weekend."
"Thanks, Dad." The blonde moved to give her father a hug. "I'll grab some clothes and then we'll head out."
"Scoot, girl," Jyonouchi's father mock-scowled. "Your friend's waiting for you." He accepted another brief hug from his eldest child then watched her dart down the hall, the Mutou girl right behind her. He wasn't blind; he could tell that the trihaired girl liked his daughter. He could also see that his 'little girl' reciprocated the feeling. He wasn't surprised, especially after a late night heart-to-heart when Katsuya asked if he'd still love her even if she decided she never wanted a boyfriend or husband.
I hope you know what you're getting into, Katsuya, he mused with a sigh. Because I don't want to see you get your heart broken.
Katsuko last updated
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