
Angelic Destructions


The Asylum
Katsuko's Obsession
Stand My Ground


Section One: Yuugi
Layout Notes
Test Post


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Welcome to Feminine Wishes, the home for what is likely the only yuri wishshipping fic located on the web.
Yes, I love Yuugiou.
Yes, I'm predominantly a yaoi author.
Yes, I genderflipped two of my favourite boys.
And yes, I am writing a yuri fic including girl-on-girl sex.
Don't like it, feel free to leave ^_^



Sunday, October 16, 2005

Section Two: Jyonouchi

Yuugi was watching her again; she could practically feel those amethyst eyes locked on her, and she uncrossed and recrossed her legs while maintaining her how much longer till the day's over expression. Inwardly, however, Katsuya was grinning madly.

From the first day she'd seen Yuugi, the blonde had been hooked. Oh, she'd tried the bitch routine, treating the smaller girl horribly in hopes of getting her riled up, but nothing worked. It was only after she stopped being cruel and returned the Puzzle piece she'd stolen that Yuugi changed.

And changed for the better so far as Katsuya was concerned. The collar had always been there (which fuelled the blonde's hope that her crush was more dominant that she appeared), but with the confidence had come leather and buckles. Wrist belts at her jacket cuffs, leather and buckle shirt beneath the oft-open jacket, two belts at her waist, leather knee high boots with buckles at the ankles when they weren't in school.... Katsuya wondered to herself quite often if there was leather under the skirt as well; and she had to recross her legs again as that particular thought always made her a bit hot and bothered.

Her only real frustration was that Yuugi hadn't made a move yet. It was getting to the point that Katsuya was considering going into her friend's room and doing a striptease to prove that she was interested in what Yuugi was silently and not-that-subtly offering. Hell, she'd even do it in the girls uniform if that was what it took! She hoped not, though; she hated wearing skirts and dresses, it was so... so girly.

But she could try to be girly for Yuugi, if that was what her friend desired.

Katsuko last updated at 9:13 PM and has received 0 comments
