Welcome to Feminine Wishes, the home for what is likely the only
yuri wishshipping fic located on the web.
Yes, I love Yuugiou.
Yes, I'm predominantly a yaoi author.
Yes, I genderflipped two of my favourite boys.
And yes, I am writing a yuri fic including girl-on-girl sex.
Don't like it, feel free to leave ^_^
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I know it's been a while, and I promise that I'm trying to figure out where this is going next.
At the moment, I have a more annoying concern on my hands: namely, how the new layout I was making for this page refuses to cooperate.
So don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this story or about the current craptastical layout. I'm just in a rut design-wise for it and am working to change the situation.
Now... if only the fragging new layout would do what I want it to....
Katsuko last updated
at 10:19 AM and
has received 0 comments